Monday, March 28, 2016

New Change

So this past change just ended. I know seems pretty fast but this last change was only 5 weeks because they changed the time that people are in the MTC if its your native language. So missions either extended or cut the changes a week short, like we did, so yeah only 5 weeks. I was excited and not that excited for changes at the same time. I was excited because they are always exciting but not because i was getting along with my companion really well! It was a blast this past change buying machetes and having machete fights everyday. But I'm with my new companion, Elder Gallego from Colombia. He's cool and will make my 5th companion out here in Quito. So like i said my sector is HUGEEEEE so they finally split it again. SO my only change was like a 15 minute walk up a huge hill to my new house. My companion stayed and is still the district leader so really not that big of a difference! I'm excited for this change and to have to speak Spanish 24/7 again. We tried last change but we would only last like 3 hours everyday and just get sick of it and switch back over so this should help TONS! My goal is to go as hard as i can this change so that next change i cant haha 
So something that's super cool! My 1st counselor in the bishopric is moving to Dublin Ohio haha! He told me last night and was like yeah so if you want ill take home stuff for you and give it to your family! AHHHHHHH so cool! He doesn't speak like ANY english but says his friend that lives in Dublin is trying to get him a job! That's the big news haha 
So other news since we split the sector, Terrasa no longer belongs to me, but Melanie does! WOOOOOOO I'm super excited about that bc she is our only investigator with fecha right now! I'm a little bummed tho bc all my converts here in argelia live in the other sector. But ill visit them on sundays! So it was awesome we taught a few really good lessons with melanie this week! Its hard to get a man to accompany us on these lessons bc ecuador started playing games again for qualifying for the world cup so we have to take the oldest guy in the world haha. its cool though because he really helps a lot and NEVER says no! He just likes to ramble though. So anyways Melanie came to church yesterday and that was AWESOME! I was so happy for that! her fecha is for the first week in may because we cant baptize in April due to not being in regular church the whole month with general conference, area conference, stake conference and stuff all this month. So yeah shes getting baptized first of next month. 
I'm excited for this change! Keep praying for me and you all know ill do the same! I love you all tons! Have a great week! Talk to you next week! 

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