Anyways this week was ight! To get the negatives out of the way I'll do that first. So this ENTIRE change I've had a huge bed bug problem. Everyday I would wake up with like 5 more bites and some old ones bigger. I tried washing the sheets, I sprayed my entire bed with bug spray and stuff, and it still wouldn't go away. So like this Saturday I went psycho. Man and I went to the store, bought some raid, and got a new bed (cuz we have like 6 at our house) and got new blankets and went hard in the paint. Our house stunk for a solid 6 hours with the smell of raid it drove my companion crazy for a bit, but the bugs are finally gone. I think so I'm happy.
Next we had a service project this Friday where we went to this house with a few other missionaries and took the roof off (cuz apparently they take that piece of junk to their new house and use it). But I GOT DESTROYED BY MOSQUITOES!!! I counted Friday night and have 36 bites on my left leg, and 43 on my right, with 10 on my neck and like 5 on my face. My gosh never wear shorts to service even tho thats all I packed. Luckily these magic potions called oils saved my life the past couple days from scratching myself to death haha. (I'm still gonna hate Ashley...)
Alright so this week we taught Rafeal, Nelson, Pablo (the teenager I wrote about a few weeks ago) and the Toapanta family. In one of Rafeal's lessons we were trying to figure out why he wasn't coming to church then we just decided to contract him. We said what are the sacrifices you have when you come to church and he listed like 3. Then we said what are the blessings when you do come and he had at least 10. We said if you come to church we promise you these blessings will come to you. Then he signed it and we did too, then Sunday he didn't come. I don't know what's up with this guy. We really should drop him, but our Zone Leaders said don't stop visiting people unless they say stop coming. Soooo I guess we can't. I also love the guy he cracks me up, he's so weird and funny.
Pablos lessons went really well! He has all of his assistants he goes to seminary he just goes to the wrong ward bc he lives wayyyyyyy up this mountain and he doesn't wanna walk down to the bus stop to go to our ward even tho he has a ride back to his house afterwards. If he goes to this other ward he has a ride both ways so its frustrating, but we are working on that so long story short he didn't come yesterday... bummer. But he's way smart, he's got the doctrine down well, kinda more than any other investigator, and he wants to be baptized and go on a mission. We told him he cant unless he comes to our ward. He just wont comprehend that for some reason.
The Toapanta family. Man each week I get more nervous with them not to mention I think they think I'm the weirdest guy in the world. One lesson 3 spiders landed on me and it scared the crap out of me and I kinda jumped and threw them off me. Then on Saturday this cat outside was meowing then all of a sudden it made the weirdest noise in the world and I laughed and the mom just starred at me. My comp said she looked at me as if I was the weirdest person ever, so whatever I accept. Anyways the last time we taught them the mom expressed doubt in being baptized and said she doesn't wanna commit to something she doesn't know for sure yet, but she won't pray about her date. Then they said they would come to church and said wait for us by the panaderia outside the church so we did for 15 minutes then church was starting in one minute so we went in. They never came. So at the moment we have no fechas. It's so sad that our investigators don't know what they are missing out on when they don't come to church and by not being baptized which can only happen when they come to church. This week we are going to try to contact them. Hopefully that will open up their eyes more.
Yesterday was the primary program and I literally almost started bawling several times through that. Every time my eyes started filling up I would talk to one of the recent converts to distract myself. I just miss my nieces and nephews so much and was just thinking about sitting by mom laughing during the ones back home. I miss those days of understanding church also.
Anyways this week was good! We are working hard and hopefully soon it will start paying off. Maybe it is right now, I'm just not seeing it!
I love you guys so much back home! Keep writing me please!
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