So like I said last week we had transfers. My companion is honestly one of the nicest companions I've had on the mission. Hes super great and we get along pretty well. he doesn't make me trunky or anything like my last one would so thats awesome. The only problem that I have noticed is he has super bad BO. I don't know how you tell someone they need to buy deodorant haha but we will see if he buys it when the money shows up on wednesday. I hope so cuz it's like sitting next to that indian kid in class bad when we teach a lesson sometimes... I still love him though
So this week we decided to pass by Rafael. I told my companion a couple of his stories and he was pretty animated to go meet him. So last night was the day and he put on a pretty good performance. My companion asked him "do you have any kids" and with like this straight stare at us not even smiling or anything says "I have an army of children" I just started laughing cuz I was like what in the world but Rafael didn't think it was too funny. He did give us some pretty good food that he made with his friend that he had made in the street 30 minutes prior to us showing up.
Also another story. Those BYU nurses frustrate me. They literally called us and asked us to go translate for them. So we go one morning and they were like why are you guys here? you should be working like we don't need your help. So once they told me that at the end I said why did you call us then? Like we literally canceled lunch and all of our morning citas to come here because you guys called saying you needed help. So frustrating but at least the physical therapist that I was translating for was super nice to me. He needed a lot of help. Mom btw here is another back tool that you can buy if your hook isnt getting it done. Look up the tuner by Dr sherik (I think thats his name)
So i'm pretty pumped you could say. Yesterday in branch council, still am not used to saying that, our branch president said something that stuck to me. He was telling us about an interview he had with his mission president while he was on his mission. His mission president said "if a junior companion gets desanimated whose responsibility is it to get him animated again?" (excuse the spanglish I just honestly don't know what word you use for desanimated) so he responded back "the district leader is responsibly". He then kept asking and if the district gets desanimated up until the mission president. When He asked him whose responsibility is it to animate the mission president he didn't know what to say. Then his mission president said "its no ones job to animate me because I didn't come on the mission to be desanimated". Its so true. You don't go on a mission to get bummed out over things you can't control. It's a part of the plan. No matter what happens, as long as I am diligent in the work, I wont lose any blessings if people reject me or the church attendance was that big or any other thing that can upset a missionary. The best part is that the church is still true. Just like in the attribute of hope it says that you will always be enthusiastic and animated if you truly have hope. The goal this week for branch conference is that every member, including the babies, is responsible to bring a plus one to church. However, the missionaries are a plus 6. If we can reach that, we will have an attendance of like 100. That would be so cool! Gotta have hope though!
The church is true no matter what happens. Im doing great, my airplane tickets showed up, the financial secretary told me how much I will be getting because im going home. Doesnt feel real pero tiene que dale.
Im gonna sprint through the finish line. I love being a missionary
this is for Jake Fisher
This super good cake and cheesecake they sell in my zone leaders sector. Its so good
My companion told me today that before the mission I had a manly face and now I have a child face